All enrolled families will be invited to sign up to our online platforms. Everything your child needs is in these platforms. They include videos, discussion forums, homework support, puzzles, riddles, problem solving, vocabulary learning, quizzes, exams, homework instructions and more. Our IT will provide you with the step by step instructions via email once enrolment is accepted.
Your child will still receive a homework class pack for their weekly classes and to complete their weekly homework for every subject. The weekly homework tasks and instructions will be assigned in your account. The online platforms also include additional activities for your child to complete. The parent information session will discuss this in detail.
All weekly homework submissions are paperless. After your child has completed their homework in their booklets, parents are asked to input the answers in the system. Our system will mark your child's weekly homework with a score provided on the spot. It will show your child's correct and incorrect answers straight away.
For Writing, each student must first write their draft assignments in their A4 exercise books. After completing the draft, these assignments should be typed up in Microsoft Word. Once typed, submit the electronic version through the system. Full feedback on your child's writing homework will be provided after each task is submitted.
Parents can also download the apps of your accounts to your mobile or iPad. You can check recent updates, follow your child's progress and complete their online tasks while on the go. Our online platforms are user friendly for everyone and are effective learning tools for all our students.
For all online live classes, families will receive a zoom link to your email to join the weekly classes. This is separate to the online platforms that all families need.
Stephanie often has live parent meetings straight after the online classes. This is another effective way for us to communicate with our families so parents can receive education tips, feedback and important messages. This is part of our four keys to success at Stephanie Coaching - Teachers, Resources, Students, Parents.